

16 Responses to follow

  1. Anya says:

    Lovely blog! I stumbled upon it looking for your article on Dirty Roots Gardening’s prairie gardens. Followed you on Insta too, and was pleasantly surprised that you’re in Long Beach area like me. I’m a horticulture student, and a writer myself. Just wanted to say hey, and gorgeous photos! Take care – Anya.

  2. Mike Bush says:

    Seems I’ve found you online previously… not so sure however. I’d like to read more of your postings, and am pleased to sign up below.

  3. Lea West says:

    Please sign me up to receive posts.

  4. sandy lawrence says:

    Such a rare thing – lovely photographs plus delicious prose combined. Please add my email address to your list so I don’t miss a thing!
    Thank you,

  5. Dee Transue says:

    Will you please sign me up to receive your articles? I follow you on Instagram and love to read your observations and see the photos. They really bring plants alive.

  6. Sharon Weissborn says:

    I’m so happy to find you. even when I can’t get out of bed I can look at all of the pictures and feel like I’m out side in a garden!

  7. M.Suze Stark says:

    Such great plants and photos-thrilled to find your pix! Visiting Annie’s and the Bay area
    among my happiest experiences.

  8. Denise says:

    Mine too! Nothing like seeing it in person.

  9. Melina M. says:

    I love your blog, have been following for some years now, as well as your Instagram. I love plants, I’m always eager to learn more and I really like your garden and your pictures. I love how you mix potted plants in the rest of the garden. I live in Miami Florida, so climate is quite different, but I can still appreciate your aesthetics and train my eye. Thank you for keeping up with your blog. Please add me to your email list.

    All the best,

  10. Pam Marie says:

    I like what I see and would like to follow your blogs.

  11. Elly says:

    Just found your blog and love your gardening style. Keen to receive updates! Cheers

  12. EB says:

    Pretty writing.

  13. Jeff Mendoza says:

    Please add me to your to your list of blog followers.

  14. Denise says:

    If you click on the bloglovin’ link, that should set you up, thanks!

  15. Madameflowers says:

    Hi, love your blog!

  16. LaVon Parker says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful things said about my garden spot, Puget Sound and the Pacific Northwest. What a thrill to come across your blog . I do so love my home and gardening climate, 8b. Is thrilling to watch the orcas frolic around our boat dock and pier while I dead head the roses!

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