June 13, 2024, Oregon Coast

Oregon Sunshine, Eriophyllum lanatum, lights up June

Even without much heat, it feels as though we’ve reached that turning point when spring finally retreats and summer growth gains the upper hand, if only by virtue of sheer day length. It’s light out til 9:30 p.m. now!

short path looking toward the fence. Gabion with oyster shells is a great critter habitat…especially for snails!
corgi-sized access paths are shrinking under summer growth. ‘Silver Swan’ euphorbia against the fence was wind-pruned recently, all blooming branches splaying out were cut back
anisodontea stumps just visible near the post

In a couple instances the garden has reversed course and thinned somewhat, a case of wind pruning. We’ve had some recent sessions of ferocious wind, the latest yesterday afternoon. Incredibly, most plants can take the beating, but there’s been lots of pruning and some removal. On a previous occasion a week or so ago, the anisodontea planted behind the stock tank was completely knocked to the ground (patio). Initially planted in the stock tank, a root migrated out, so the original plant was removed from the stock tank, with the opportunistic root left to flourish, and did it ever! It’s been a remarkable plant capable of blooming all year, even withstanding ice storms! Even though it blocked my view of the garden from the patio, I left it alone. When the wind did the job for me, it was a relief. Besides having a full view of the garden from the patio restored, the beschorneria and other stock tank plants are much better for it.

Anisodontea cutting near the fence, where it won’t block the view!
nice to see old friends again like the variegated figword Scrophularia aquatica
Argentina lineata is back, but with a new name. I bought it as Potentilla lineata
new to the garden, planted August 2023, Penstemon ‘Dark Towers’ is approx 4 feet, self-supporting in some heavy wind, and unbothered by slugs. Without even seeing it in flower, it’s earned its keep
June expands!
Gillenia trifoliata is effortlessly beautiful and fresh — aka bowman’s root. There’s a story there somewhere with that common name that I’ve yet to learn.
Digtialis ‘Illumination’ something or other (a cross with digitalis and Canary Islander isoplexis) — very sturdy but severe wind did knock a couple stalks down that were saved for a vase
like the Illumination digitalis, this aster is another plant “engineered” to bloom longer. ‘Dainty Swan’ didn’t bloom til mid-July last summer, but as the plant makes size it seems capable of blooming earlier, “as advertised”
The sweet williams are as good as alliums for height and rich color
lots of alliums have been planted too
pale bloom of Allium karataviense on a very short stalk rising out of leaves as impressive as the flower
‘Guinea Gold’ was in bloom June 15, 2023, too, so its timing is consistent
Alstroemeria ‘Third Harmonic’ took a while to settle in but seems on its way now — orange and burgundy seem to be a theme with me lol
Phytollaca ‘Silberstein’ seems poised for a good summer of growth too. Very slow to establish, and the slugs are all over new growth
Eryngium ‘Big Blue’ did great the first year, dwindled the second year, and after being moved out of the border and into the gravel, with more light and better air flow, it seems to be back on track
In the front garden Cistus ‘Jenkyn Place’ basks in sun all day with extra heat radiating off the sidewalk causing that unique resiny scent’s release. There should be a cistus-scented candle.

The cosmos and zinnias I sowed in April are finally making good size. Not much top growth yet but root growth is strong. I sowed a ridiculous amount and nurtured every single seed that germinated — good thing too, because the slugs and snails demand their tribute, and the attrition has been significant.

with growth this slow, pinching back to encourage branching is psychologically very hard to do…you gotta do it anyway and have faith summer sun is coming!

The cosmos will be grown in pots because there isn’t any bare sunny ground available in the garden, and dozens of plants have been donated to a community garden. I’ve never had to watch frost dates when sowing seeds before, so this has been a very engrossing endeavor, just trying to raise some simple summer annuals. Hopefully, there will be more photos to come…

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10 Responses to June 13, 2024, Oregon Coast

  1. Kris P says:

    I love your diverse, happy collection of foliage and flowering plants, Denise. You always liked to experiment and I’m glad the Oregon garden has allowed you room to try out so many new things. I adore that Argentina lineata. The snails and slugs must be a horrid nuisance, though – despite all the “extra” rain we’ve had here, those slimy creatures are still relatively uncommon in my garden. Now if I could just get the gophers to disappear…

  2. Denise says:

    @Kris, the first couple years I was surprised by the scarcity of slugs. They were patiently waiting for me to grow the garden 😉

  3. You and Alan (did you ever get to see his Portland garden?) are reminding me of my love for eryngium, I need to add a few to the sunnier spots in the front garden. Sorry to hear of your wind, it has also been very windy here… I am so tired of things crashing down in the garden (fir cones, magnolia leaves, etc…). BTW have you seen the FB post about the “spring” bloggers plant swap? June 30th…

  4. hb says:

    Your Cosmos are only a little smaller than mine–all the May-Gray-June-Gloom slowed them down here.

    Your garden looks all filled in–that didn’t take long, did it? Looks fabulous with all the very out-of-the-run-of-mill plants.

  5. Denise says:

    @Loree, I’ll look around for that plant swap, thanks!
    @Hoov, I tried sowing several kinds of cosmos a few years ago in zone 10 and failed miserably, what gives!

  6. Jerry says:

    So much wonderful color! I love it all, especially Guinea Gold with the purple flowers blooming in the background. Bowman’s root thrives here as well. Such a stalwart in the garden.

  7. Tracy says:

    *Attempting to comment, they haven’t been posting 🙁

    Your garden is SO full of color, I love that. A brilliant mix of dark and light.

  8. Jake says:

    Interested to hear more about using oyster shells in the garden as a mulch?! Am I misreading that? – Jake from http://www.alluvialsoillab.com

  9. Denise says:

    Hi Jake — the only use I’ve made of oyster shells thus far is in a gabion, using the whole shell. Just could not find a way to economically crush the shells here on the Oregon Coast. Still keeping my eyes open though…

  10. Elaine says:

    Wow the garden looks fantastic. Love the raised planted bowl. A great focal point. It’s been a very cool, windy and wet Spring and early summer here so while the perennials look fantastic things that like it warmer, including vegetables, are sitting back and waiting. Dark Towers is a great plant. I have four and even when not in bloom they make a statement. I haven’t been able to comment for a while so nice to be back in the loop again.

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