InterCity Succulent Show and Sale August 17-18, 2013

Mr. Ripple and friends cordially invite you to that holy of holies in the world of desert plants, The InterCity Show and Sale next weekend, August 17 and 18, at the Los Angeles County Arboretum.

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Agave ‘Mr. Ripple’

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Agave potatorum in the loveliest shade of powder blue, found at a plant show unlabeled

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Aloe marlothii

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Mangave ‘Bloodspot’

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the white whale of agaves, A. celsii var. albicans ‘UCB’

Now that succulents are as ubiquitous as petunias and can be found on racks outside grocery stores, there’s no need for proselytizing about their sculptural attractions and water-wise virtues. This sale is for the already converted who are looking for rarities in affordably small sizes. The discerning eye and encyclopedic knowledge of members of Southern California succulent societies have already done the heavy lifting for us in seeking out the best of the best, and these plants offered for sale are the fruit of their lifelong passion for desert plants. But if you’re still not convinced, drop your magazine, possibly turned to a regionally inappropriate article on the top 10 plants for perennial borders in August (though there’s nothing wrong with a little garden porn!) and come see why Southern California is the envy of savvy plant people all over the world. Like the bodies on Venice’s Muscle Beach, these are some seriously well-toned plants, each one an evolutionary warrior able to survive with minimal irrigation. I’m hoping to find more of my latest enthusiasm, hanging epiphytic cactus like rhipsalis.

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6 Responses to InterCity Succulent Show and Sale August 17-18, 2013

  1. Perfect analogy of Muscle Beach and those fine plant sculptures! Have a blast, but don’t spend all your money in one place…

  2. Looking forward to a photo-rich recap!

  3. Nice!!!! Love that Mr. Ripple. I bought a couple rhipsalis this year and love them. Very nice plants

  4. Denise says:

    David, it was great to read about you settling in to your new digs. Can’t wait to read more about what you’re up to.
    Loree, I’ll do my best! (My camera has been limping along since I dropped it on Long Island…)
    Deanne, you’re way ahead of me. Did you mail order? I’ve been seeing them in conservatories but not available at local nurseries yet.

  5. Peter/Outlaw says:

    Hope you have fun at the sale! I was lucky enough to get an A. celsii var. albicans ‘UCB’ at the Ruth Bancroft Garden when we were flinging.

  6. Denise says:

    Peter, you were so on the ball with plant shopping at the fling!

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