Tag Archives: Cotinis mutabilis
bug report & EOMV
“None of the ants previously seen by man were more than an inch in length – most considerably under that size. But even the most minute of them have an instinct and talent for industry, social organization, and savagery that … Continue reading
Posted in agaves, woody lilies, creatures, pots and containers, succulents
Tagged Adenanthos sericeus, Agave vilmoriniana 'Stained Glass', Aloe 'Rooikappie', Aloe capitata var. quartzicola., Aloe elgonica, Argentine ants, Artemisia pycnocephala 'David's Choice, Cotinis mutabilis, Crassula alba var. parvisepala, Cussonia gamtoosensis, end of month view, Eucalyptus 'Moon Lagoon', Euphorbia 'Lime Wall', Grevillea 'Moonlight', Linepithema humile, Senecio medley-woodii