Category Archives: Oregon garden

more camas, please

This last Sunday of April has been misty and rainy, the same conditions since mid-week. Until the rains returned last Wednesday, I personally felt we had gone too long without rain (almost a week). But I know the farmers were … Continue reading

Posted in Bulbs, journal, Oregon garden | 9 Comments

Rosy Rhodocoma capensis

I’m not sure when the rhodocoma started blushing pink. In fact, before this morning I didn’t even know to expect such a phenomenon, but trusted resources have this to say: San Marcos Growers: “Upright growing clump forming (tussock) grass-like plant … Continue reading

Posted in Oregon garden, Plant Portraits | 8 Comments

my own private tulipomania

There’s a lot of the traditional horticultural canon that can be grown well here at the moist Oregon Coast in zone 8b/9a that I’m skipping so far– hellebores, roses, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, hostas, maples, Oriental poppies, peonies, clematis to name a … Continue reading

Posted in Bulbs, Oregon garden, pots and containers | 5 Comments

new to me; Fritillaria persica and others

Last spring a local nursery had planted whiskey barrels with Fritillaria persica. Which jarred me into the realization that I could too, that fritillaries were a green light on the Oregon coast. This March it is such a kick to … Continue reading

Posted in Bulbs, journal, Oregon garden | 8 Comments

March mixes it up

The month of March, fittingly named for the god of war, here at the coast is a pitched battle between winter and spring. Winter battles for supremacy lobbing hail, snow, and night-time freezing temperatures, but it’s a dead-ender’s ploy. Spring … Continue reading

Posted in blog, climate, Oregon garden | 7 Comments

Oregon Coast garden in February

I apologize up front for the contrasty results of my point-and-shoot on this brilliantly sunny morning, but it will be too dark for photos within the hour under these temperamental skies. (This is as far as the working collaboration with … Continue reading

Posted in climate, Oregon garden | 8 Comments

rainy day thoughts on fences

Having inherited a boundary fence in the back garden, I think about it quite a bit. It’s been an insistent presence since we moved in, devoid as the space was of anything but fence, grass and bark mulch. Fences in … Continue reading

Posted in climate, design, Oregon garden | 8 Comments

ice storm aftermath

Some quick notes on the recent ice storm, that for us on the Oregon coast descended on Saturday, January 13. A fine icy mist encrusted everything — houses were entombed in ice, including doors, roofs and siding, a very peculiar … Continue reading

Posted in climate, Occasional Daily Weather Report, Oregon garden | 8 Comments

weather report 1/13/24

Today is the day we’ve been dreading all week, when daytime temps at the Oregon coast hover around 30F and “icy rain” arrives. The week’s weather has been typically tumultuous and no undue cause for concern — just the usual … Continue reading

Posted in Oregon garden | 7 Comments

got gratitude?

Making a garden for myself seems to be a function now of my autonomic nervous system, like breathing and a beating heart. It is a big comfort to know that wherever I go, I’m fairly sure I can make a … Continue reading

Posted in Oregon garden | 8 Comments