what’s new…and what isn’t

Burrowing into plant and seed catalogues isn’t a bad idea at the moment. Mail ordering plants and seeds is eminently doable even in a pandemic crisis, and if you’re hanging out a lot at home, so much the better for keeping track of fragile new seedlings and transplants. I sowed a few zinnia and cosmos this gloriously drizzly morning (‘Queen Lime Orange’ and ‘Xanthos,’ respectively), ordered from Chiltern’s in the UK because a) the UK is still a plant mecca, and b) they also had a more heat-tolerant dill I’ve been interested in trying, ‘Tetra.’ These will be for pots. I wouldn’t plant zinnias in my dryish summer garden anyway, even if there was a patch of unoccupied soil. Somehow sowing seeds, even ornamentals, is as reassuring to me as a well-stocked pantry. Beans, pasta, and a few summer flowers — the essentials!

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As agaves and succulents mature and spread, the space for self-sown spring annuals retreats.
There’s barely an inch of ground left in the garden, even for self-sowing annuals like my go-to poppies, Papaver setigerum, lacy umbel Orlaya grandiflora, nicotianas, and honeywort Cerinthe major purpurascens.
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That Agave titanota really needs to go in the ground, but where?

I love my winter garden and all my spiky, shrubby friends. It is not lost on me that, in a weird reversal of intentions and aspirations, my zone 10 winter garden is filled with the tender plants and succulents that are temporary stars of summer gardens in colder climates. And then those summer gardens will be filled with all the perennials I wish I could grow here in zone 10. I love how these different visions of a summer garden — movement vs. statism, softness vs. solidity, pointillist vs. architectural — nourish garden imaginations everywhere and expand the sense of what’s possible.

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Agave desmettiana ‘Joe Hoak’ deserves every bit of ground he needs
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In the space vacated by Grevillea ‘King’s Fire,’ just behind this Agave lophantha ‘Quadricolor,’ a few annual coreopsis were planted along with Sideritis oroteneriffae, Yucca aloifolia ‘Magenta Magic’ — and a division of March-blooming Aloe camperi.

Whether the emphasis is on cactus and succulents, a dream of wildflower-filled meadows or scrubby chapparal, the idea of a garden is broad and malleable enough to encompass anything we can imagine. (As a simple baseline in making a garden I’d say 1) do no harm, 2) work with your climate’s rainfall patterns or you’ll be miserable, and 3) allow as many local wildlife species to thrive with you there as possible.)

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upside/downside: so glad Leucadendron ‘Jester’ looks like it’s going to make it, but the downside is there will be less room for spring poppies. Similarly iffy Leucadendron ‘Ebony’ also is slowly gaining size.
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Just March and already the garden is full. But whose fault is that? A new Tulbaghia ‘Himba’ lounges behind Yucca ‘Blue Boy’…
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Clever reseeders like nicotiana do manage to find a scrap of ground
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there will be poppies, just not a lot
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Established Verbascum olympicum should be ready to bloom this season. Other verbascum planted this month, ‘Violetta,’ Sixteen Candles,’, ‘Wedding Candles,’ may or may not bloom this summer. (see Digging Dog’s list of verbascum.) That’s a newly potted biennial Rudbeckia triloba that I desperately wish would self-sow.
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Just two pots of Nicotiana mutabilis, a spectacular flowering tobacco that builds up an impressive scaffolding for hundreds of tiny dangling trumpets. They’re going to eventually need bigger pots.
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There are no rules in combining plants other than what will thrive together. Established and spreading Dianthus ‘Single Black’ nestled into aloes and Carex testacea, a sedge that self-seeds wonderfully

By early spring, I’m ready for some wind-tossed, out-of-control exuberance in the garden, something that perennials do so well. But here in the mild winter, mediterranean climate of zone 10, many perennials don’t return a second year, refusing to break dormancy and wake up again for another spring. A nice surprise this winter was the return of the lacy leaves of the giant fennel, Ferula communis, I planted almost a year ago, which completely disappeared last summer. And I’m trying another phlomis, this one herbaceous, unlike recently trialed shrubby Phlomis lanata (a great phlomis for a larger dry garden.) Phlomis tuberosa ‘Bronze Flamingo’ will most likely be unsuccessful here, just like related Phlomis tuberosa ‘Amazone,’ but for now it’s showing new basal growth. And the old maxim of killing a plant three times is a useful guideline, because hopefully in those three times you’ll have experimented with different exposures and growing conditions. And because I’ve watched them bloom spectacularly all winter in a small garden near my mom’s house, I’m trying a few plants of the tall, wispy annual Coreopsis tinctoria, an heirloom variety Annie’s Annuals carries called ‘Tiger Stripes.’

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a table of spiky friends with silvery Salvia discolor in the background
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Salvia discolor ‘Purple Bracts’ is subtly distinct from the species. And, in general, this is a very subtle salvia, grown more for foliage effect because the flowers don’t read well at a distance.

Trying out new plants is a thrill that never gets old, even if it’s from a genus I’ve repeatedly grown. Phygelius are hardly newcomers to this garden. I’ve run hot/cold for years with the so-called cape figwort aka cape fuschia. (See here and here and here.) From South Africa, they would seem to be ideal plants for zone 10 summers. Gardens colder than zone 7 often grow these heavy-blooming, hummingbird-friendly plants as annuals.

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They are big, lanky, shrubby perennials, and I’ve always had a problem getting a semblance of uniform growth and bloom out of them. Flowers invariably appear at the end of long, wayward branches that fall to the ground and smother surrounding plants. (And blooms on the ground, let’s face it, is the garden equivalent of “burying the lead.” Or is it “lede”?)

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But I keep an open mind and continually trial the new phygelius on the block because they seem bursting with good summer garden potential for zone 10. In local nurseries now is ‘Colorburst Orange,’ and a couple came home with me, squeezed in at the base of a phormium among Lomandra ‘Platinum Beauty.’

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The uniformly upright phygelius of my dreams, seen in an Oregon garden

If you can’t find phygelius varieties local, Digging Dog always carries a nice selection. So much to grow!

Posted in agaves, woody lilies, Plant Portraits, pots and containers, succulents | 4 Comments

sunday clippings 3/8/20 (save Prospect Cottage)

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Prospect Cottage, image from CNN Style

Artist, filmmaker, and gardener Derek Jarman’s Prospect Cottage in Dungeness, England, needs some crowd-sourcing love. If it’s one of those places you dream of one day visiting, you might want to consider helping to secure its future by donating what you can by the end of this month. I’ve always wanted to experience sweeps of sea kale, Crambe maritima, growing in shingle at Prospect Cottage in the shadow of nuclear reactors. (What romantic visions I conjure!) Tilda Swinton is one of a group of artists lending their support to the Art Fund campaign: “My excitement about this vision for Prospect Cottage lies in its projected future as an open, inclusive and encouraging machine for the inspiration and practical working lives of those who might come and share in its special qualities, qualities that, as a young artist, I was lucky enough to benefit from alongside Derek and so many of our friends and fellow travellers.”

A few more odds and ends from my garden, some hopefully less fleeting than others:

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Hoping it’s less fleeting than tulips, the latest banksia acquisition, the Red Lantern B. caleyi. A dwarf version of Banksia ashbyi seemingly flourished for a year in a container then precipitously died. Banksia repens in the front garden must be going on two years now, and next time I squeeze in amongst the agaves I’ll grab a photo. And if it blooms, you can believe I’ll draw blood to get a photo!
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Pale, pale pink of Veltheimia bracteata, the bowl moved into the bathroom. Seems to be a wide variation in the shade of pink, running from hot to pale. The original bulb has offset to this extent over ten years.
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More bathroom beauties — eastern light, always on the cool side so flowers last. These ‘Gavota’ and other varieties were grown in bowls outdoors, where curious raccoons routinely dig them up out of the pots. Charming! Yes, a bunch of tulips is easily bought, but chilling these in the fridge, planting them up, and cutting precious individual stems salvaged from raccoon predations somehow keeps it real…for me anyway.
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The funnel of pitcher plants is easy to move, trialing different locations. Sarracenia ‘Tarnok’ has a few buds. What looks like a tillandsia lower right is a small piece of Puya laxa, the surviving remnant of an impenetrable barbed thicket. I won’t be planting it in the ground again.
And that’s Agave pygmaea ‘Dragon Toes’ — definitely not a pygmy here at over 3′ across.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Posted in artists, Bulbs, clippings | 5 Comments

Wednesday’s plants

In the interest of keeping a better garden record…

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Seeing red — Passiflora vitifolia ‘Scarlet Flame’
I’ve been counting buds, expecting blooms, but even so a fully open flower is a startling sight around 6:30 a.m.
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Floating above Sonchus palmensis.
The vine is trained up and horizontally across the pergola and may eventually be allowed to grab support from the tetrapanax too.
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Still on the eastern end of the pergola.
A very leggy ‘Zwartkop’ aeonium has been using the tetrapanax for support all winter as well as using the Alcantarea odorata as a silvery foil (Vriesea odorata)
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Senecio ficoides ‘Mount Everest’ at upwards of 4 feet.
A small plant was grown rough, stuck into a large potted Euphorbia ingens and then carefully removed once it was 3 feet high. This could be a sensational addition to succulent gardens, especially if it doesn’t topple over.
It’s managed to remain vertical, knock wood. Can’t have too many verticals. The passiflora is background left.
(Edited to add that, unfortunately, the senecio branches do become too heavy to remain vertical. 3-4 feet is about as tall as they can manage before toppling — in good garden soil. Maybe if grown full-sun, dry-garden lean, results would be different.)
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Southwest corner of the house. I’m thinking this plectranthus is P. parviflorus ‘Blue Spires.’
It sent out intensely sky blue, foot-long, salvia-like spires this winter. Agave ‘Rumrunner’ on the table and a flowering schlumbergera cutting, a recent gift.
Potted pelargoniums were cleaned up, cut back.
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Agave ‘Boutin’s Blue’ is finally happy on the north side of the house with shady friends like fatsia and fatshedera and has outgrown all those nasty burnt leaf tips.
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East patio. A recent gift, the
Snowflake Aralia, Trevesia palmata — thank you, Dustin. I’m thinning out potted plants because of the ball and chain they turn into every summer but couldn’t resist this one. I’m hoping to set up areas with timed misters for potted plants this summer (i.e. have asked Marty if this is doable and he seems to think so.)
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Parahebe perfoliata in the past has been a sprawler that snakes along the ground. I’m hoping growing it in harsh conditions keeps it dense and upright — but doesn’t kill it outright!
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Against the south wall of the house, site of another pot purge. Some were moved elsewhere or given away. There were dozens of pots under the chairs. Agave ‘Blue Embers’ is on the ground, center, caged.
An Aloe pluridens cutting rises tall in the middle — thank you, Carlos, for this cutting along with Aloe nyeriensis aka kedongensis and Aloe fibrosa — gotta keep better records!
Posted in agaves, woody lilies, clippings, journal, Plant Portraits | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Palm Springs flyby (and a glimpse of Sunnylands)

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We arrived at the Palm Springs V Hotel after dark, around 9 p.m., and left early the next morning, Thursday, for our talk at 9 a.m. “The Backyard; A Biography.” No chaise lounge time for us. Mitch grabbed this photo of the V Palm Springs Hotel on Friday. Thanks to Modernism Week/Paul Ortega for the swank digs!
Unless otherwise noted, all photos by MB Maher

Notwithstanding the recent visit to Palm Springs for Modernism Week, I still have yet to visit nearby Sunnylands, the so-called Camp David of the West in its heyday, when it was the private residence of the Annenbergs, Ambassador Walter Annenberg and his wife Leonore — these are Mitch’s photos. He was able to saunter over for a quick look since the condo a friend loaned him for the talk overlooked the Sunnylands golf course. The Annenbergs’ house was designed by MCM architect A. Quincy Jones in 1963, but Sunnylands, to my mind, is all about the fairly new desert garden and its spectacular mass plantings of palo verde trees, succulents and cacti. In 2006 the Annenberg Foundation Trust commissioned the Office of James Burnett landscape architecture firm to create a 9-acre garden on the 200-acre site which was the Annenbergs’ desert retreat. OJB’s work earned the Honor Award in 2012 from the American Society of Landscape Architects.

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“This is all about the plants and they are spectacular, adding texture and color to the desert and lawns. This shows a real knowledge of plants. The feeling is lush and the colors are fabulous.”
2012 Professional Awards Jury, ASLA

I knew the Annenberg name only from seeing it scroll across my tv screen when watching my local PBS station. In reading up on Sunnylands, I impatiently swiped aside accounts of the international summits, diplomatic triumphs, and art collection donated to the Metropolitan to indulge an admittedly crass curiosity: Where did the Annenberg fortune come from? Like Hearst, the source of Annenberg’s wealth was print media, which he later expanded into radio and television. Annenberg grew his father’s publishing acquisitions into the company Triangle Publications, which ultimately included a lucrative roster of publications like TV Guide, Seventeen, the Daily Racing Form. Annenberg’s fortune was also channeled into heroic-scale philanthropy and supported an abiding sense of public service.

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Barack Obama and Xi Jinping at Sunnylands 2013, photo found here
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“I believe in social responsibility. A man’s service to others must be at least in ratio to the character of his own success in life. When one is fortunate enough to gain a measure of material well being, however small, service to others should be uppermost in his mind.” – Walter H. Annenberg (1951)
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OJB’s work has been LEED Gold Certified

From OJB’s website:

  • The project utilizes just 20% of the water allocation from Coachella Valley Water District.
  • The project uses 100% on-site stormwater retention.
  • High-efficiency capillary irrigation zones are independently controlled by soil and moisture censored monitors to reduce water use.
  • The user experiences stormwater features through garden paths which integrate grading, planting, water capture, and water storage.

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Sunnyland’s signature mass plantings of succulents like Euphorbia resinifera and agaves
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“Working closely with owner, the landscape architect developed a scheme that begins as an orderly, geometric composition adjacent to the Center and becomes progressively more free flowing as it moves to the desert meadows. The landscape architect sculpted the earth and used plants in a painterly fashion across the 15 acre site. Trees were carefully positioned throughout the site to ensure that ample shade was provided and great care was given to the visual composition of understory plantings. Plantings were designed “in mass” much like one experiences a large nursery. Therefore, dozens of aloe, agave and barrel cactus were used to great large sweeps of color and texture.” — ASLA
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impressionistic sweeps — photo from Timeout

Still on my must-see list: Sunnylands, Rancho Mirage, California.  

Posted in garden travel, garden visit, MB Maher | 3 Comments

(in anticipation of spring) cleanup

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where to put all those potted plants? A recurring quandary

I asked Marty to drill drainage holes in this metal cart yesterday. Without drainage it was fairly useless, accumulating water and leaves and making a slimy brew of them all winter. When I returned home late in the afternoon, Marty was gone, the drainage holes had been drilled, and I was in a mood to tear into something. So I spent the next four hours or so ignoring phone calls, moving tables and chairs, transferring pots to the metal cart, repotting where needed, sweeping and raking until it was too dark to work.

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A Biergarten table and benches fit this narrow space perfectly.
On the right, the yellow ceramic piece is by Dustin Gimbel — although made to hang, I like it as much on the ground. Wouldn’t it be cool to pull up maybe a 2-foot wide swath of bricks next to the fence and plant Mexican fence post cactus? Something to consider if/when a new fence goes in.

This narrow eastern side of the house has always been problematic. Mostly hardscape, all awkward angles and fences, yet it’s by far the largest, friendliest space for people — if only I didn’t collect so damned many potted plants. And as it is the summer hangout, I need to be careful about cluttering it up. With spring around the corner, and knowing my weakness for pretty new plants, now is the time for a clean sweep and regaining some control.

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good thing the ‘Stained Glass’ octopus agave Marty calls Ursula has soft leaves. The dutch door and fences are full of termites and will be replaced with expanded-metal panels. The two galvanized metal tables laid end to end were formerly display tables at Smith & Hawken, bought when they closed.
Tall potted plant on the far right against the fence is Cussonia natalensis.

About all that hardscape. Tempted as I am to hide that fence with plants, the space is really too narrow and too root-infested from the neighbor’s plantings. And I have to admit, with the rest of the garden so densely planted, this open area does provide some breathing room. The bricks are laid on sand up to the tree, where beyond is a patio of stained concrete. The leaded glass salvage windows are part of the dutch gate and fencing leading to the front garden. I’m hoping to replace everything soon with expanded-metal panels. Anything but wood again.

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Splitting costs with the neighbor, we planned on replacing the termite-infested wood fence (stained dark blue) with CMU masonry, but the historical district says no to masonry, keep it wood. With voracious termites working against us, we might as well put the wood fences into a chipper every couple years. This difference of opinion on fencing material and waste of resources is definitely not resolved…

All winter-long I continually sweep the leaf litter into that little square surrounding the trunk of the Chinese fringe tree, then in spring I use most of the leaves for mulch elsewhere. The pile was twice as high up the trunk yesterday. Thankfully, the tree seems to have finally dropped its last leaf, another reason to take on a spring cleanup. This little square of leaf mulch is also a prime grub-digging spot for raccoons and possums, and they’re welcome to it. (At one time I actually contemplated planting under the fringe tree — see here.)

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same area prior to cleanup, photo taken last February
Small pots were moved to the metal cart.

New spring rules: all small potted plants on the eastern patio must fit on the metal cart with wheels.

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the basics — plants, chairs, tables, people. Making it all fit is an absorbing preoccupation

Now I feel ready to tackle those mail-ordered plants which should be arriving any day…

Posted in agaves, woody lilies, journal, pots and containers, succulents | 5 Comments

bloomday February 2020

I could describe February as the Month of Tiny Flowers in my garden except, honestly, that pretty much describes it year-round. You’ll have to narrow your focus (and expectations!) just a bit for a gander at the offbeat odds and ends blooming in my zone 10 Southern Californian garden this February.

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Pelargonium echinatum

The pot of winter-flowering Cactus Geranium that’s at least as old as the blog keeps company this year with rhipsalis and other trailing succulents and small bromeliads in pots lined up atop the eastern edge of the laundry shed.

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trailing habit of the Cactus Geranium
Pelargonium echinatum
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ever so tiny air plant flowers — Tillandsia ionantha?
The bromeliad Billbergia ‘Hallelujah’ is in bloom too but missed the window for photos
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Budding up, pot-grown South African bulb
Veltheimia bracteata — I’m fairly negligent with this bulb and let it go very dry. But it can take year-round water if provided good drainage. Fabulous leaves
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The flowers (“branched terminal inflorescences”) of the shrubby Silver Teaspoons, Kalanchoe bracteata, surge upright as well as spill onto the ground
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Pruning Bocconia frutescens down to a 10-foot vase shape earlier this week took off a lot of the older panicles but a few fresh ones remain, always swarmed with bees as the day warms up. It’s about the same size as adjacent Grevillea ‘Moonlight,’ also in bloom
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Gooseneck flower stalks of Echeveria agavoides. This succulent has spread by both offsetting and seeding in the front garden. Other echeverias and aeoniums are also in bloom.
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Leucadendron ‘Winter Red’
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I’m blanking on the name of this weedy, tradescantia relative which is having a good-looking moment this month but otherwise looks mostly miserable, especially in summer. I rip out scads of it the rest of the year — just came to me, Tinantia pringlei
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One of the big pennisetums with the darkest leaves, ‘First Knight’ is throwing a few blooms but will need to be cut back to the base by the end of February
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Arctostaphylos ‘Louis Edmunds’
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The garden’s newest anigozanthos, a tall, dark red variety that’s supposedly a standout for its exceptionally good leaves – ‘Regal Velvet’
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Aloe conifera — though not its leaves, which are basal and bluish-red. It hated life in the garden and was moved to a pot. These leaves belong to an arborescens hybrid.

The genera I’m currently relying on most for tall, architectural blooms all happen to begin with the letter A: aloe, agapanthus, anigozanthos. They have similar water needs, with aloes being the most dry-tolerant, and they all appreciate generous spacing with good air flow at their bases. All three generally are low, clumpish growers that won’t obscure other plants when out of bloom — but you have to choose carefully with aloes as many can get quite large and shrublike. All three together can provide blooms year-round in zone 10. (And I’d love to add in another letter A plant, Alstroemeria ‘Indian Summer’ too — somewhere.)

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Another view of Aloe ‘Jacob’s Ladder’
Some of the splashiest blooms here in the garden any month of the year are the aloes — and there’s species and varieties that bloom winter, spring, summer, fall. Oh, for another acre…

Even though a lifelong So. Californian, I’ve only recently become a convert to the agapanthus camp. (Unbearably omnipresent bordering on municipal, I reasoned, why include them in a personal garden? Because (1) they add excitement to that difficult time in summer when new growth in the garden mostly shuts down except for the big grasses; and (2) I want to see if they can mix it up on the drier side with agaves, aloes, kangaroo paws, grasses. I’m betting they can. We’ll see…) I’m hoping the clumps will be big enough to become a presence this summer. But overall, what the garden lacks in traditional floral ambitions it makes up for with fascinating structural intricacies that keep the pollinators satiated and me continually intrigued.

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Acacia baileyana ‘Purpurea’ is a substantial 20-footer now and throwing shade (and debris) on lots of formerly sunny growing space. But trees are so essential in countless ways — heck, even the current administration recognizes the indisputable importance of trees and is vowing to join the One Trillion Trees Initiative
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Euphorbia rigida — just one clump this year, but there’s always potential for more from this generous reseeder
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Erodium ‘Whitwell Superb’ — I really need a better lens to capture all these tiny, tiny blooms.

(Some garden blogs follow the tradition of showing what’s in bloom on the 15th of every month, established by May Dreams Gardens. Some of us are irregular contributors and/or occasionally a day late — ahem!)

Have a great Sunday.

Posted in Bloom Day | 5 Comments

a garden’s long-term care

My mother turned 90 yesterday, and we celebrated this momentous occasion at her new living arrangement in a nearby board-and-care.  Getting her here took months of medical, legal, financial, and familial wrangling, all while taking care of her as she lost the ability to move and feed herself.  So it feels like a huge accomplishment to have found a safe, clean place for  her, but she is not well and will not improve, so it is inescapably sad too.  A water-exercising lady who lunched and drove around town not more than four months ago, her birthday elicited an outpouring of texts from friends and family and a bagful of birthday cards that I read to her yesterday.  

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Aloes went in and out of bloom while I was away, but ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ greeted me home in full flower

Immersed in these issues the past few months, the topic of our longer lives and long-term care needs is naturally at the forefront of my thoughts, but I’m finding it also seems to be addressed at least daily in print (now that I’m sensitized to the subject).  And when I tuned in briefly to one of the recent Democratic debates, there was Amy Klobuchar discussing the long-term care dilemma she was currently facing with her own father and how she’d address this issue if elected.  Of course, a female candidate would be the first to acknowledge and address the care-taking challenges of aging parents.

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This is one aloe I hope never blooms — ‘Goliath’ is perfect as is and probably appreciated all the more due to his extremely unattractive, protracted, post-mite phase when he was stripped of most of the mite-infested, deformed leaves

Now that I’m back to sleeping in my own bed and waking up to the garden again every morning, instead of a few stolen-hour visits here and there, I can appreciate some of the small details I added in anticipation of spring, like a windowbox of salvias or Moroccan daisies spilling onto gravel.

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In one of my two-hour visits home a windowbox for the porch was planted with Skyrocket salvias in a shade of Millennial pink I normally avoid in plants. I still like it — never say never

This little garden did remarkably well while I was away despite minimal rainfall — and the care it has taken of me on brief visits during these intense few months is beyond calculation.

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These Rhodanthemum hosmariense ‘Casablanca’ (Moroccan Daisies) were also bought and planted in a two-hour window sometime in January — foresight I’m appreciating today

I’m hoping Marty’s lower back now has a chance to heal. He started running again, so that’s a good sign — 4 miles yesterday! And I do have to thank Mitch (MB Maher) for taking over the lead on the upcoming Modernism Week lecture, February 20, 2020 (The Backyard: A Biography). Over the weekend he hosted a rehearsal run-through of the talk for some friends, which is the first time I’d heard it. Possibly because my mind had been pressed on practical matters for weeks on end, I was giddily enthusiastic to the point of being slightly interruptive during the presentation. I promise to be better behaved on February 20 at 9 a.m.!

Posted in clippings, garden travel, MB Maher | 5 Comments

Modernism Week with AGO 2/20/20

  • When: Modernism Week extends from February 13, 2020 to February 23, 2020
  • Where: CAMP Theater, 575 North Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, California
  • Why: Because…Palm Springs in February! Surrounded by like-minded, design-centric people also winter-starved for gardens, desert landscapes, and some of the best MCM residential design in the country.

Escaping to Palm Springs for Modernism Week has long been a February ritual of mine. This year the experience will be a little different — we’ve been invited to give a talk on all our garden design obsessions, to be held on February 20, 2020, at 9 a.m. And we’re just ambitious/foolish enough to attempt to cover a lot of ground. From the Modernism Week website:

The Backyard, a Biography

Meadows and xeriscapes have overrun the tiki bar in our new midcentury, but does the institution of the yard remain a thousand personal oases separated with cinderblock? Design is aspirational and surveys of the backyard are windows onto the dream life of Americans, our built spaces embedded with our values, reminding us who we would like to be. 

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Some of the images will be familiar to AGO readers, but we’re also dipping into image archives like the Getty Research Institute — “the focus of this talk will be a visual as well as psychological and cultural treatment of outdoor built spaces.” (Garden of Reuben Munoz)

The backyard is unexpectedly complex, political, rich with history and more American than apple pie, simultaneously built with nostalgia and ready to be the future’s laboratory. Generously illustrated with photo work from MB Maher’s own catalog of landscape projects as well as underseen images from Julius Schulman’s archive at the Getty Research Institute, the focus of this talk will be a visual as well as psychological and cultural treatment of outdoor built spaces. 

And just a head’s up that the Modernism Garden Tour sold out early, but more tickets have just been added. Check the website for current availability of all the tours. We’re so excited to catch up with y0u in Palm Springs this February!

Posted in Uncategorized | 8 Comments

new year resolutions are for travel plans

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Jardin Majorelle, photo by MB Maher

The Mediterranean Garden Society is holding its Annual General Meeting in Morocco in October 2020, with the General Assembly held in the Yves Saint Laurent Complex in Marrakech. There will be pre- and post-meeting tours, including a visit to Taroudant, “a walled Berber town lying just south of the High Atlas in the semi-desert Souss Valley. Here waterwise gardens are a necessity and we shall visit several designed by the French architects Eric Ossart and Arnaud Maurières which showcase their unique style and more than 900 different species of plants collected from all over the world – mainly succulents, aloes, palm trees and cacti but also mediterranean-climate plants such as euphorbias, plumbago and bougainvillea, grasses and roses. We shall see other private gardens and a palace garden in and outside the city’s walls.

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sunken garden designed by Ossart and Maurieres, photo by Simon Watson for the NY Times

Architectural, color-soaked, dry gardens that prefer strong spines in the bones of both garden and gardener. Not to add any pressure to your leisurely New Year holiday, but bookings close January 31, 2020.

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Moroccan garden of Umberto Pasti, photo by Ngoc Minh Ngo for House & Garden

A garden should be made with honesty and with love…For me, a garden is all about the plants and the people, more than it is about design and aesthetics. It is real.” Umberto Pasti

This piece in House & Garden on the making of Umberto Pasti’s Moroccan garden got my garden travel juices flowing. Even if the tickets don’t always get purchased, for me January is for travel plans…

(Happy New Year!)

Posted in garden travel | 7 Comments

clippings, holiday edition 12/11/19

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The brick-red thunbergia vine that I was training up to the roof eaves was blown off its fishing line support during a Santa Ana wind event and collapsed on itself, losing about 4 feet of height in the bargain. With my original plan laid waste by the winds, I subsequently gave the failed experiment little attention and only recently noted that it now resembles…a Christmas tree. How ’bout that? That about sums up my sideways, crab-walk approach to the holidays.

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Hauser & Wirth Holiday Market
Sat 14 Dec 2019, 11 am – Sun 15 Dec 2019, 6 pm
901 East 3rd Street
Los Angeles CA 90013

As we’ve done off and on in the past, the stand-in for a live tree is a tall, rusty garden tuteur which we call the “obelisk,” and instead of loading it up with lights and all the animal and pirate ornaments I’ve stockpiled since the boys could barely stand, it will have a large white paper snowflake at the top and very little else to blur its iron outline. Endurance will be the theme this year. For a holiday defined by timeless, immutable family traditions, as usual we’re winging it. This year, due to family health issues, geographic distance, and a generalized worrisome frame of mind, this holiday seems more imperiled than most by festive indifference. Lest the Grinch gain too much sway over me, I’m planning on hitting the Hauser & Wirth Holiday Market this weekend — always a pleasure to visit H&W and check on Mia Lehrer’s landscape design handiwork.

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CobraHead® Mini Weeder & Cultivator Garden Tool

So let’s turn our attention to gifts for friends and family, shall we? Because that’s where, I feel, the emphasis rightly falls during the winter holidays — little treats for our friends and family, homemade or otherwise. And here’s an undeniable treat: The CobraHead Mini Weeder pictured above is an unassuming-looking tool that will change your life. The CobraHead company has long been loyal supporters of garden bloggers (which is how I acquired mine), but I admit I took this little tool for granted until we decided to clear devil’s grass out of the parkway mid summer, always a thoroughly demoralizing task. I’ve never acquired a fetish for collecting garden tools. The CobraHead was still in its original packing when it was cynically recruited for the most difficult assignment imaginable of clearing hell strip weeds — which it handled with aplomb. It fits easily in the hand and bites into hard ground and recalcitrant weeds without mercy. Marty and I were both floored at its efficacy. Highly recommended.

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the X3 watering can by Kontextur
as seen on Gardenista

What I really need is a small, long-necked watering can for reaching hanging plants like rhipsalis without throwing out a shoulder as I’m nearly doing every time I lift my vintage Haws. Maybe you know someone who needs one as well. Gardenista featured this one recently that I wouldn’t mind finding under the Christmas tree.

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And what gardeners do during winter is of course talk, dream and read about plants and gardens, and there’s lots of great new books to pile in stacks around your favorite armchair. Jeff Moore’s Spiny Succulents is at the top of my list — you can read Gerhard’s thorough review here.

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Read Pam Penick’s review here — and Pam’s opinion of garden photography is one worth listening to.
  • Claire Takacs is one of the best garden photographers working today, as her new book Dreamscapes amply proves.
  • Jimi Blake has made a name for himself as an insatiably curious and inventive plantsman at his Irish garden Hunting Brook, documented in his new book A Beautiful Obsession.
  • For greenhouse porn, it doesn’t get any better than Haarkon’s Glasshouse Greenhouse.
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Another book whose spine I’m eager to crack, and also the work of a photographer at the top of her game, is Daniel Nolan’s Dry Gardens: High Style for Low Water Gardens.

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stocking stuffer for hikers, botanizers
Native Plants for Southern California Gardens Flashcards

I picked up these Native Plants for Southern California Gardens Flashcards at the APLD Plant Fair last fall and love their lightweight, waterproof portability, something compact enough to keep handy in the glove box for spontaneous hikes, botanizing, and plant shopping: “Theodore Payne is proud to announce the arrival of our Native Plants for Southern California Gardens flashcards, produced in partnership with Tree of Life Nursery, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, California Native Plant Society, and National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program. Boxed set of 75, 3″ x 6″, two-sided, bilingual (English/Spanish) cards in full color on UV-varnish coated stock with a screw cable loop. Price: $17.00

If you’re still stumped as to presents for garden friends, Alta Tingle’s impeccable curatorial taste infuses all the offerings at her store The Gardener.

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And for your favorite aficionado of cacti and other spiky plants, hemostats are de rigueur for cleaning debris from plants without harming plant or person.

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and nursery gift cards are always welcome

Something else to consider: Lots of nurseries offer gift cards, like Annie’s Annuals and Perennials and Plant Delights. And memberships in local botanical gardens and organizations like the Garden Conservancy are always appreciated.

Posted in books, clippings, commerce, garden ornament | 5 Comments