Poppy Music

I’ve held on to these little poppies as long as possible, and tonight they were given a photographic bon voyage by MB Maher.
When it’s twilight, magic hour, the garden becomes an open-air studio. I handled the linen backdrop. A few blades of Miscanthus ‘Gold Bar’ strayed into frame.


Poppy ruprifragum still blooms in the front garden, but the back garden’s poppies are all rustling seedpods. These are the seedpods of Papaver setigerum, left to decline in situ, although lower leaves are stripped off when decrepitude becomes too unsightly or insect ridden. As I’ve written before, this little poppy tucks itself in unobtrusively and doesn’t lean on or brawl with neighbors like so many of the bigger somniferum varieties, so a few plants have been allowed to remain. Not that I need any more seed, but running a hand along the pods releases their percussive music, different tones emanating from seedpods of plants of varying age.

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1 Response to Poppy Music

  1. Until I got to the bottom of the post, I thought it was “poppy music” because of the way the seed heads at different heights look a little like the notation on sheet music.

    Another wonderful image from you and MB Maher.

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