Stephen Glassman pulled apart his stone, wire and bamboo sculpture exhibited at the The Late Show Gardens, a garden show held in Northern California last fall 2009, and used the materials to rebuild the stone gabion and bamboo fence for his studio in Venice. (Photos of Glassman’s Late Show installation can be seen at the end of this slideshow.)
Reusing the same materials, Glassman also created a smaller installation for his courtyard.
Glassman’s bamboo splitter tools:
Off-center post-swung gate, without hinges:
From the studio:
Gale Beth Goldberg, in her book “Bamboo Style,” quotes Stephen Glassman:
“Bamboo…allows me to work on an architectural scale with the gesture and spontaneity of drawing, and led me to the creation of ‘temporary monumental site work’…Bamboo is a model for social and technological structure that has existed for centuries in ancient bamboo cultures, but it is only just beginning to enter the Western world.”
I remember his sculpture at the Late Show Gardens last year and just loved it. So beautiful. I’m sure the birdies there miss it. I was watching a couple of birds happily flit in and out of it. I’m so glad to see it reincarnated.
Hi~ I like the gate. Nice. Although not as classy as bamboo, I’ve got some pear tree saplings that I’ll be skewering through my chain link fence to block my neighbor’s neon-blue tarp–an invasive image I would prefer NOT be in the background of my photos. 🙂