Tag Archives: Pantone Color of the Year Tangerine Tango
Bloom Day January 2012
Bloom Day brought the rain back. A solid month of dry weather and blue skies was getting very tedious. Thank you, Carol! And congratulations on five years of hosting Bloom Days at May Dreams Gardens. Much of what was blooming … Continue reading
Posted in Bloom Day, succulents
Tagged Anigozanthos 'Gold Velvet', Begonia luxurians, Centratherum punctatum, Cotyledon macrantha, Echeveria agavoides, Euphorbia rigida, Gerbera 'Drakensberg Carmine', Helichrysum petiolare 'Limelight', Helleborus argutifolius, Lantana montevidensis, Pantone Color of the Year Tangerine Tango, Pennisetum 'Princess Caroline', Salvia chiapensis, Senecio rowleyanus