Category Archives: Bulbs

more camas, please

This last Sunday of April has been misty and rainy, the same conditions since mid-week. Until the rains returned last Wednesday, I personally felt we had gone too long without rain (almost a week). But I know the farmers were … Continue reading

Posted in Bulbs, journal, Oregon garden | 9 Comments

my own private tulipomania

There’s a lot of the traditional horticultural canon that can be grown well here at the moist Oregon Coast in zone 8b/9a that I’m skipping so far– hellebores, roses, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, hostas, maples, Oriental poppies, peonies, clematis to name a … Continue reading

Posted in Bulbs, Oregon garden, pots and containers | 5 Comments

new to me; Fritillaria persica and others

Last spring a local nursery had planted whiskey barrels with Fritillaria persica. Which jarred me into the realization that I could too, that fritillaries were a green light on the Oregon coast. This March it is such a kick to … Continue reading

Posted in Bulbs, journal, Oregon garden | 8 Comments

July 2021 garden report

With the drought tightening its grip, Californians have been asked to cut water use by 15 percent compared with last year. Even so, yesterday I let a hose trickle to deep-water parts of the garden, which was getting by on … Continue reading

Posted in agaves, woody lilies, Bloom Day, Bulbs, journal, MB Maher, pots and containers | 7 Comments

more lilies

All these lilies were planted fall 2020 in my zone 10b, about a mile from the Pacific Ocean. We had very little winter rain, but the bulbs managed to grow and bloom on mostly hand watering and careful mulching. Bulbs … Continue reading

Posted in Bulbs, cut flowers | 5 Comments

Six on Saturday

‘Eurydice’ lilies opened this week, an asiatic with martagon-esque, downward-facing blooms. Zone 10 gardeners are reminded that lilies do not necessarily return every summer for us, so arborator cave (grower beware!) 2. The echeverias are blooming — the one above … Continue reading

Posted in Bulbs, clippings, journal, Plant Portraits, pots and containers, succulents | 4 Comments

lilies again (and time to order tulips!)

Here in dry frost-free zone 10b, grow lilies in containers. That’s what I’ve been admonishing myself for years. And that’s what I’ve been doing, without much noticeable benefit, because the bulbs rarely return a second year whether in the ground … Continue reading

Posted in Bulbs, journal, plant nurseries, pots and containers | Tagged , | 7 Comments

Bloom Day 2/15/21

We’re horrified at the predicament of friends and family across the country as the Polar Vortex busts out of the Arctic again, flooding points south with its extremely frigid air. Holy cow! How is everyone doing? We’re nervously checking power … Continue reading

Posted in Bloom Day, Bulbs | 5 Comments

Bloom Day January 2021

I may miss these reports throughout the year, but no way I’m going to skip the inaugural Bloom Day of 2021! If you’re looking for something to stream to get through this next week, I just finished and can recommend … Continue reading

Posted in agaves, woody lilies, Bloom Day, Bulbs, pots and containers, succulents | 3 Comments

clippings 6/22/20

Hope you find lots of interesting and diverting things to do this week. I’m tending new seedlings and waiting for another seed order to arrive — there’s got to be more empty pots around here somewhere…

Posted in agaves, woody lilies, Bulbs, climate, clippings, Plant Portraits, pots and containers | 6 Comments