for me will always be plants.
401ks and SEPs may crash and burn, but I’ll always be able to live on the cheap surrounded by some of the most gorgeous patterns and shapes on earth.
Some of the results from a leisurely rummage through old photos, trying to jump-start a slow, President’s Day morning.

Agave bovicornuta, Los Angeles County Arboretum
Venice Garden & Home Tour 2011
Melianthus major, Linda Cochrane’s Bainbridge Island garden
My dearly departed Agave guadalajarana
Spanish poppies (Papaver rupifragum), furcraea and succulents, my garden April 2012
I have to say Denise, that last image is truly splendid, lines of the path, distribution of the orange, awesome bokeh-ish depth of field..very very nice !
Kathy, I like that photo too. Especially since who knows if the poppies will ever flower in that configuration again?
Live on the cheap and garden? Not if I were living in my own garden :).
Rummaging through old photos is a fun lazy day activity. I still have lots of IU stuff to go through. Somehow I lost half the pictures I took in Linda Cochran’s garden. Gone but not forgotten.
Sue, if I didn’t have to buy plants small I wouldn’t, and a new fence would be nice, so point taken! But still it’s relatively cheap fun.