Tag Archives: Echinocactus grusonii var. inermis
at the Inter-City CSSA Show August 2016
The funny thing about hard-core succulent shows is there’s often non-succulent treasures on the sales tables too. On arrival, I made a quick circuit around the tables and immediately became fixated on these decidedly non-succulent leaves. And the mottling on … Continue reading
Posted in agaves, woody lilies, plant crushes, Plant Portraits, plant sales, pots and containers, succulents
Tagged Agave 'Tuxedo Mask', Agave bracteosa 'Monterrey Frost', Aloe branddraaiensis, Aloe camperi, Aloe melanacantha, Aloe sinkatana, Amorphophallus impressus, Astrophytum ornatum, Cylindropuntia ramosissima, Cylindropuntia tunicata, Dudleya palmeri, Echinocactus grusonii var. inermis, Euphorbia bongolavensis, Inter-City Cactus Show & Sale 2016, Matucana madisoniorum, Neoporteria nidus, Pachypodium namaquanum, Petra Crist, Rare Succulents Nursery, Stenocactus multicostatus, Sulcorebutia heliosa