The first poppy opened this morning, Papaver setigerum. (Not that I was hovering nearby, waiting for the event or anything.)

Of all the annual poppies I’ve grown, including the many varieties of the — shhh, ixnay — “opium” poppy, aka “lettuce leaf” or “breadseed” poppies, Papaver somniferum, this little species poppy is my favorite. I prefer its simple single flower to the heavy-petaled varieties. It doesn’t grow a massive amount of leaves either that might smother nearby summer growers, so it fits in the spring garden nicely. About 2 to 3 feet tall, including blooms. Brimming with the typical poppy joie de vivre. There’s probably 20 or so of these self-sown throughout the garden, just budding up. (Not that I counted plants or anything.)
That is one beautiful poppy.
I love these . I used to have poppies allover the place but soil disturbance and renovations have laid them low. I put in Laurens Grape this year, so I will expect plenty next year.
Bonjour Pavot.
Here, no papaver. Only cold, and rain, and …. i’m fed up with this climate, i want to find a sunny place to live.
I adore poppies…especially the breadseed poppies…but I will have to find seed for these and give them a try!
Scott and anyone else interested — I found some poppy seeds I saved from last year. I think they’re this poppy, P. setigerum, but there’s a small chance they are Papaver rupifragum, which is an orange-flowered perennial poppy that should flower its first year, so you’ll know right away. If interested in taking a chance, shoot me an email at Can’t believe I didn’t label them!
Not a single seedling did I get this year, but the Ranunculus are a very satisfactory substitute. For some reason, they remind me of poppies.
save me some seeds!