Tag Archives: Oxalis spiralis
Foliage Followup (and other digressions)
The answer to Bloom Day, the 15th of every month, is the Foliage Follow-up, the brainchild of Pam Pennick of the excellent blog Digging, whose garden has endured both record high temps in summer and now record low temps this … Continue reading
Posted in agaves, woody lilies, Plant Portraits
Tagged Bloom Day, Coprosma 'County Park Red', Gordon Willis, Hebe 'Quicksilver', Hellebore argutifolius, Libertia peregrinans, Linaria reticulata 'Flamenco', Lophomyrtus x ralphii 'Red Dragon', Orlaya grandiflora, Oxalis spiralis, Prostanthera ovalifolia, Salvia chiapensis, Sedum nussbaumerianum, x Fatshedera lizei