Tibouchina heteromalla holding on to a raindrop. Photo by MB Maher.
I understand the impulse. We’ve been promised a solid day of rain, but so far it’s only been a fitful one.
Possibly more tonight. Euphorbia cotinifolia, Caribbean Copper Plant, in this case a 15-foot tree, pleads
with the clouds for more.
Still, it’s been a good winter for rainfall. To me, there’s nothing more dispiriting than drought.
Beyond the implications of drought for a desert city of over 10 million people, my garden and I
take a lack of rain very personally. All we ask for is just the average rainfall, 15 inches a year.
We’re not greedy.
And if grey is not your first choice for color, just shift your gaze downward, where Scilla peruviana is taking shape,
little turbines of green and a color still so dark it’s only dreaming of blue.