Garden bloggers have been giving it up for flowers, for leaves. How about some pod love?
I know it’s a little early in the season for seedpods for a lot of gardens, but I happen to have dried-up, dessicated plant life on the brain after last week’s ferocious Santa Ana winds.
And I also just happen to have some nice seedpods to share.
Courtesy of Acacia podalyrifolia
I’ve been shaping this young shrub/tree at the front of the house, and it’s coming along beautifully.
The long, wavy pods, silver with cinnamon-brown interiors, perform entrancing twists and spirals in the breeze.
Sharing the pod love.
I am feeling the love.
Loree, I know you’re a pod lover from way back. I wonder what kind of acorns your new oak will have?
Love undulations.
Those are eye-catching. Quite a good reason to have it in the garden if you ask me.