Occasional Daily Photo 2/12/13


I just potted the Pelargonium echinatum into this chipped Bauer pot inherited from my grandmother. A chipped Bauer pot ceases to be a sacred cow and can definitely mix it up with the other garden pots. Just took me a while to realize that. I’m certain my grandmother would agree. The pink-limbed, trailing cactus in the clay pot is Lepismium cruciforme.

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5 Responses to Occasional Daily Photo 2/12/13

  1. kathy says:

    I am the queen of chipped Bauer, but damn, I don’t have one of these yellow swirl numbers.That pelargonium looks quite nice in her Bauer ensemble.

  2. Sue says:

    Nice to have something in bloom. Fabulous to have a garden pass along from your grandmother.

  3. Linda says:

    I have the same unchipped , nicked from my mothers garage, yellow pot. Maybe I should plant it with yellow flowers?

  4. Scott Weber says:

    The Pelargonium is too cute…love those fuzzy leaves too!

  5. Denise says:

    @Kathy, I don’t think I own a pot that isn’t chipped. My grandmother also left me a Bauer swan that should be taken off the shelf and planted too.
    @Sue, spring is starting to pop here. Your snowpocalypse post was incredible. I wonder if I’d dig all those paths for Ein šŸ˜‰
    @Linda, yes, plant it! We can’t take it with us…
    @Scott, I’ve posted on this little plant so many times. I’ve potted it up twice this winter, it’s getting so big. It goes dormant in summer and looks completely dead, then does this amazing show all winter. The pelargoniums are probably the closest I get to a collecting mania.

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