The garden continued its beguiling ways while I was away, offering up new studies in green and blue, umbellifer and thistle, as the samphire, Crithmum maritimum, sent up blooms through the eryngium that just gets bluer and bluer every day.

Crithmum maritimum and Eryngium planum
Thanks to photographer MB Maher for briefly (and spontaneously, I might add) taking over the reins of this runaway blog. He is most welcome to do so any time he likes. I have so many photos to sort through I feel like a python that’s swallowed a…well, something very large and nearly indigestible. Would that I had any photos to post as exquisite as those he took of the party Shirley and Emmanuel threw for the garden bloggers on Thursday night. The pros make it look so easy, don’t they? And I mean to include both MB Maher and Shirley Watts in that remark.
Denise, that’s a fabulous combo…I might just steal it 😉
Scott’s right, really nice combo ! I am waiting patiently for my E. ‘Sapphire Blue’ to bloom.
Beautiful geometry here with the umbels and globes. Pretty great colors, too.
@Scott, I’ll send seed of the crithmum. Remind me if I forget. It sets a lot.
@Kathy, ditto.
@Jane, the umbels are still mesmerizing for me, and there always seems to be a new one to discover.