A couple days of over 90-degree heat woke the tropicals up.
Tibouchina heteromalla
But we’re back to overcast skies and drizzle, lovely for late July.
In the Tom Waits-inspired, emotional weather report category, we’ve been frantic about a baby mockingbird, who either jumped or fell out of his nest this morning. Evie the cat had him cornered, but the parents were unrelenting in their defense and drove Evie away. We picked up the little guy in a file folder, transferred him to an empty straw basket, and put the basket back in the fringe tree, just below the original nest. Just a few minutes ago, a mocker fed him a worm in the faux nest. What a relief! And all cats are house-bound for the next couple days while flight training proceeds.
Your good deed brownie points should be mailed to you soon.
Les, I’m afraid a happy ending was not to be, so you can hold the brownie points…for now.