Tag Archives: Pelargonium ‘Splendide’

Bloom Day April 2012

April deserves a thorough Bloom Day post, but if I’m to get this in before midnight it’ll have to be brief. A big change here is that the poppies of Troy, Papaver setigerum, are over sooner than I’d like. I … Continue reading

Posted in Bloom Day, Bulbs, Plant Portraits | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

last day of March 2012

Posted in Occasional Daily Photo, Plant Portraits, succulents | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Occasional Daily Weather Report 10/9/11

After last week’s day of rain, the sidewalk’s warming up again. High 70’s and low 80’s for the next few days. (A favorite spot to warm up and also cuff the corgi’s tail-less bottom as he passes through the feline … Continue reading

Posted in creatures, Occasional Daily Weather Report | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

Foliage Follow-Up September 2011

I just noticed today that seedpods had formed on the little manihot tree. M. grahamii is hardier (zone 7b-10) than M. esculenta, which is grown for its starchy, edible tubers, with a possible future in biofuel. The Melianthus ‘Purple Haze’ … Continue reading

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Occasional Daily Photo 5/25/11

In a few weeks, the leaf margins of this flapjacks kalanchoe have flared a deep red. Which composes quite a picture with Pelargonium ‘Splendide.’

Posted in Occasional Daily Photo, Plant Portraits, pots and containers, succulents | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Pelargonium ‘Splendide’

From Robin Parer’s nursery Geraniaceae “A scandent shrub; leaves are pinnate, grey and hairy; a truly splendid hybrid with red upper petals, a dark center and almost white lower petals; do not leave outside in rain and prune very carefully.”

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