Tag Archives: Ricinus communis ‘New Zealand Purple’
Bloom Day October 2011
The highest temps all summer hit last week, an unwelcome intrusion into fall planting season. Limbing up the big smoke tree a few weeks ago allowed a lot more light into the back garden, setting in motion some deadly domino … Continue reading
Garden Miscellany
Since the post on the tree collard continually gets a surprising number of hits, full disclosure is in order: I’ve composted the tree collard. It is a defiantly ugly vegetable. My hat is off to fellow tree collard growers who … Continue reading
Bloom Day July 2011
We’re a tad overexposed and on the run… a day late for Bloom Day, the 15th of every month, hosted by Carol of May Dreams Gardens. More photos after the jump.
Calandrinia spectabilis
On the Agave Walk this cerise Chilean showoff opens its first flower of spring. Zone 8-10. The calandrinia sprawls onto the Agave Walk and is cut back by half to allow foot traffic. Even with this heavy-handed treatment it flowers … Continue reading