Garden Bloggers Fling 2013; Matt Gil Sculpture Garden

Second garden on Friday, designed for a work/live fabrication studio and sculpture display space in a light industrial neighborhood of San Francisco. We are an avid bunch, craning necks, snapping cameras, firing off questions (my bad habit). I have to constantly check an impulse to blurt out a question and query myself first: How would I feel if this were my garden and I came face to face with me as a garden visitor? God forbid. But it is just so exciting to see these special gardens that questions tumble forth. And by special I mean wholly individual responses to climate, topography, and the space one has to work with — all the really important variables. After all the ink spilled on formal/informal and all the other garden principles drilled into us by books and public parks, seeing the imaginative responses of garden artists to the circumstances they find themselves in is unbelievably refreshing. And liberating. Bay Area gardens whisper seductively: Do what you want, where you want, how you want, and as best fits available resources and how you live, work, and play.

Amen. And then let us come visit, please.

Or, alternatively, bring in a talented Bay Area garden designer, as artist Matt Gil and his wife Lesa Porche did, when they asked Dan Carlson of Wigglestem Gardens to create a garden in which to display their sculptures, all of which are for sale. (And then let us come visit, please.)

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This blurry photo is the best I had looking at the upper deck from the garden, the office at ground level under the corrugated awning.
On the Fling we were split into two groups, so no more than 40 visited each garden at a time.

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The dining room window, light flooding in from the deck

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The hillside just visible through a scrim of backlit container plantings

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The view from the deck down into the garden with its low retaining wall holding back the plantings at the base of the steep, rocky hillside

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Descending the stairs, fountain at the bottom, bamboo against the hillside

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Colocasia growing in the fountain at the base of the stairs

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And stepping into the sculpture garden

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The steep hillside, which the owners eye nervously during the rainy season. San Francisco averages around 20 inches of rain per year, usually in the winter, but I was told there were two solid days of rain just before the Fling began.

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Succulents planted into the slope, shown draped here with mahonia

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Protea, Agave ‘Blue Glow’, Geranium incanum, echeverias, aeoniums, yuccas

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Further back, Geranium incanum spilling over the retaining wall, tall yellow kangaroo paws, aloes, California poppies, silvery dudleyas

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Using the Agave americana var. medio-picta ‘Alba’ as a visual pivot point. Kangaroo paws just behind. Aloe plicatilis almost out of frame in the top left-hand corner

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With grasses, aeoniums, poppies, and Agave parryi var. truncata

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Mangave and California poppies

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A potted cussonia streetside as we leave the sculpture garden and head back to the bus for lunch and frivolities at Annie’s Annuals & Perennials.
There will be no photos about the visit to AA&P, because honestly all I did was shop after lunch and the demonstration of nifty hose nozzles put on by a Fling sponsor, Dramm. Matt at Growing With Plants has a nice post on the visit to AA&P here.

Posted in agaves, woody lilies, garden travel, garden visit, plant nurseries, pots and containers, succulents | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Garden Bloggers Fling 2013; Organic Mechanics Garden

The first garden on Friday was created in the courtyard between two apartment buildings originally gifted to twin sisters by their father in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. The Organic Mechanics, James Pettigrew and Sean Stout, see opportunity where others see only a dead zone of concrete and a few pittosporum. Now it’s a lush urban sanctuary brimming with salvaged and repurposed treasures, a transformed community space enjoyed by all the residents. (Organic Mechanics was also responsible for the gigantic walk-in succulent cube that was the toast of the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show a few years ago.) I’m guessing there’s something in the coastal fog that gets the creative synapses firing among Bay Area designers, just as it sends the mighty redwoods soaring taller than any other trees.

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Under your feet is no ordinary paving

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Marble salvage from a local tombstone sculptor also finds its way here

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The courtyard had a wonderful collection of plants, like this Yucca rostrata

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I’m officially on the hunt now for this gorgeous compact shrub, Leucadendron linifolium

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Agave ovatifolia

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Looks like Leucadendron argenteum to me, but I overheard discussion that this might be a banksia

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photo from SFGate

Not only was this garden a visual feast, but we were also serenaded by the raspy warblings of Simon, the 25-year-old Yellow Nape Amazon Parrot.
A wonderful beginning to the 2013 Garden Bloggers Fling.

Posted in agaves, woody lilies, artists, design, garden travel | Tagged , , , , , | 7 Comments

favorite plant of the week: Echeveria ‘Opal Moon’

Loree at Danger Garden has been faithfully reporting on her favorite plant in the garden every week and has asked others to join in when so inspired. So many succulents dangle or trail their blooms, but these blooms are hoisted high on the elongating thick stalks of this echeveria, making it worthy of inclusion as a favorite plant. To be honest, the mauvey color of its leaves is a color I usually avoid in succulents, and one of the reasons I rid the garden of the excellent but similarly tinted Graptoveria ‘Fred Ives.’ ‘Opal Moon’ complicates the color with some grey, some blue, a blush of caramel, but it’s mainly the fleshy size of this one that makes it such a hubba-hubba attraction.

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Echeveria ‘Opal Moon’

I brought home Loree’s favorite plant this week, Alstroemeria isabellana, from Far Reaches Farm last summer, but it vanished during my zone 10 winter. It may prefer the rainier winters of Portland, Oregon. I am nursing along one of its relatives, a bomarea, in a container that’s never allowed to dry out. Maybe I’ll be able to report on it in an upcoming “favorite plants” post, fingers crossed.

Posted in Plant Portraits, succulents | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Occasional Daily Photo 7/1/13

The garden continued its beguiling ways while I was away, offering up new studies in green and blue, umbellifer and thistle, as the samphire, Crithmum maritimum, sent up blooms through the eryngium that just gets bluer and bluer every day.

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Crithmum maritimum and Eryngium planum

Thanks to photographer MB Maher for briefly (and spontaneously, I might add) taking over the reins of this runaway blog. He is most welcome to do so any time he likes. I have so many photos to sort through I feel like a python that’s swallowed a…well, something very large and nearly indigestible. Would that I had any photos to post as exquisite as those he took of the party Shirley and Emmanuel threw for the garden bloggers on Thursday night. The pros make it look so easy, don’t they? And I mean to include both MB Maher and Shirley Watts in that remark.

Posted in MB Maher, Occasional Daily Photo | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

our far-flung fling

We move too quickly to keep up. There is much to say about the team at Organic Mechanics,
photos to share of a vast and wine-fueled dinner at the Conservatory of Flowers, stories to tell
of the city itself as the county clerk swings wide the doors at the marriage office, but for the
moment the only photos we have to share come from the opening cocktail reception of this wonderful
traveling circus
hosted by the uncontrollably talented Shirley Watts and husband Emmanuel Coup and cat Fifa.
MB Maher caught wind of the party from his nearby headquarters and arrived by zipcar to document. Photos his.

MB Maher also conducted a sandal survey.

Posted in artists, design, garden ornament, garden travel, garden visit, MB Maher, photography | 12 Comments

gardens hate traveling

I love to travel, but my garden hates it.
But, theoretically, it really shouldn’t be that difficult, leaving the garden for a few days in late June.

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Most of the pots are filled with succulents this summer. Nothing too tricky.

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Except for maybe the Musschia wollastonii, which is always poised to collapse. Whether it’s exposure to harsh words or less-than-perfect filtered light requirements, it needs very little excuse to wilt. This is my second attempt with this musschia, and at this point I just don’t believe I’ll ever have the privilege of seeing its strange, lime green candelabra of an inflorescence erupt in my garden. (That’s a dare, musschia. I dare you to prove me wrong and thrive in my absence.)

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And then there’s Evie, who’s being left in the hands of an avowed cat hater.

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Two, actually. The hater of cats and this one will certainly conspire against the felines in my absence.

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I wonder if my share of the neighbor’s apricots will be close to ripe when I return.

[one week later]

I meant to post this before leaving for Long Island, New York, last Tuesday to tour gardens and nurseries, but with work to get out and trees falling down, it was forgotten. Upon return on Monday, all cats have been accounted for, and the garden looks in better shape than when I left from the thorough soaking Marty gave it. Temperatures were cool, the musschia didn’t collapse, and the gesneriad Moussonia elegans opened its first blooms in my absence. Ein developed a taste for unripened apricots and ate quite a few that fell on our side of the fence. I found his stash of pits in a small midden on the driveway. I have stories to tell of gardens in Long Island, all of which will have to wait until I return from the blogger meetup in San Francisco this weekend. Looking forward to seeing some of you there!

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Moussonia elegans

Posted in creatures, garden travel, pots and containers, succulents | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Bloom Day June 2013

For a girl who couldn’t get an eryngium to bloom before, this is shaping up to be an exciting summer.

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Eryngium pandanifolium is supposedly the biggest eryngo of them all. I’ve been intently watching it develop this wicked candelabra of a bloom truss. Each morning the bloom stalk twisted in a different direction, as though it had been thrashing about during the night in the throes of birth, like H.R. Giger’s Alien. Today it was fully upright and looks like it means to stay that way. 5 feet tall and still growing. I planted it at the patio’s edge and have basically relinquished use of this little patio off the back door, removing chairs and most containers, so the eryngo gets lots of light and air at its base. Its barbed leaves sprawl onto the bricks, covering most of the patio, but what price love?

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But there is such a thing, believe it or not, as too much excitement

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Hmmm, something’s missing…

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Now you see it, now you don’t. Another day, another collapse of a Euphorbia cotinifolia in my garden. I think this is the third, maybe fourth time. The rope on its trunk was tied to a nearby Argemone munita to keep the argemone from falling. There’s irony there somewhere.

Last Friday, June 14, at 2:10 p.m., I heard a whoosh, peeked out the office door, and beheld the awful horizontality. But the smash wasn’t entirely unexpected. I left this comment on Hoov’s blog Piece of Eden June 11: “I was watching my Euphorbia cotinifolia sway in the breeze yesterday, swaying from the base of the trunk, as in rocking in the breeze. And it’s listing too, so I think it’s going over soon, right on top of the anigozanthos no doubt. Control is illusion. Loved Ed Norton in khaki in that movie — loved the whole movie. (P.S. I think your pups want to go camping.)” We were discussing her pups’ love of the movie Moonrise Kingdom.

Euphorbia cotinifolia, the Caribbean Copper Tree, is widely used as a summer annual for containers, but in regions without frost it reaches tree size. This tree was a seedling, meaning it was sown in situ from a previous Caribbean Copper Tree, something I thought would give this brittle tree all the advantages it would need for stability. And it had multiple trunks, another plus. A single-trunked copper tree snapped in two during high winds. This is the third time, and I am so not charmed anymore. Marty washed the saw off with soapy water this morning. He was driving tourists on a boat through Long Beach harbor when the smash came. Sunny day, 70-ish degrees, no wind, 2:10 p.m. I worked like a madwoman to remove the tree and assess damages, and the whole mess was cleaned up by 4 p.m. Amazingly little damage was done. That Argemone munita was uprooted, of course. Some broken kangaroo paws were brought in for vases. One of the two stalks of Aeonium ‘Cyclops’ was broken at the base, which I’m trying to root again. A spiral aloe was flung out of the ground. It’s an awful thing to admit, but I was at a local nursery at 4:15 to check out replacements.

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Succulents like these aeoniums were still intact after I pried the tree off of them. Onward with Bloom Day.

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I thought there’d be just two lilies in bloom this summer, this unknown white and the copper ‘African Queen,’ both growing in pots.

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But then this regal lily surprised me by surviving in dryish conditions in the garden near the base of a phormium.

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Another surprise bulb, from a bunch of miniature gladiolus I ordered a few years ago. It somehow became churned up when the eryngium planum were planted.
Small but flashy.

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Penstemon ‘Hidalgo’ a shrubby 4-footer just beginnning to bloom

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Bloom puff on Albizia ‘Summer Chocolate.’ This tree, currently in a large glazed pot, is a possible candidate to replace the fallen Copper Tree. We desperately need shade on the office, so replacement discussions are ongoing. I’m leaning toward keeping it full sun and planting some Euphorbia ammak and Yucca rostrata.
We’ll see how much appeal that idea still has in August.

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This kniphofia is loving its new home near the compost pile and is continually throwing new spikes. It might be another case of giving a plant lots of sun and circulation at its base. Another thousand square feet of space and I bet I could get this garden stuff worked out.

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Phylica pubescens, just because this late Bloom Day post has spilled over into Pam’s Foliage Followup at her blog Digging.

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Wonderful Teucrium hircanicum. Blooms from seed its first summer. These plants were all pried up as seedlings from the brick paths in spring.

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The yellow form of Russelia equisetiformis robs it of its common name, the Firecracker Plant, but it’s a good plant in all its colors.

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Ethereal view of the Dittany of Crete, Origanum dictamnus

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Macleaya in bloom. This one’s wandering roots make it more trouble than tetrapanax.

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The last of the annual Coreopsis ‘Mahogany.’ I’ve replaced it elsewhere with gaillardia.

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The Garlic Passion Flower vine, Passiflora loefgrenii, is spilling over the fence into the neighbor’s yard, but then their apricot tree has spilled over into my garden.
I wonder who has the better deal.

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Garlic passionflower jelly anyone?

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I’m trialing three different peachy yarrows this summer. This one ‘Terracotta,’ as well as ‘Marmalade’ and ‘Sawa Sawa’

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At least the Monterey cypresses look stable enough and are making good size at the east fence. I’ve already been checking out lots of Bloom Day reports via our host Carol’s site May Dreams Gardens. There’s lots of excitement, and of a less calamitous kind, in the blogs this June.

Posted in Bloom Day, Bulbs, succulents | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 18 Comments

Upcoming CSSA show at the Huntington

I won’t be able to attend the Cactus and Succulent Society of America show to be held at the Huntington Botanical Gardens June 28-30, 2013. But you should definitely go, for reasons photographed below. You will very likely find many of the same vendors I pestered with questions and be able to ogle the same plants I did last weekend at the Los Angeles Cactus and Succulent Society’s Drought Tolerant Plant Festival in Encino. If you can’t make it to the Huntington in June, don’t despair. There’s still the InterCity show and sale held at the Los Angeles Arboretum August 17th and 18th.

Reasons to attend:

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The scrolled leaves on this bromeliad drew lots of attention.

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But attention swiftly gets snagged on something else, such as the jagged leaves of a deep burgundy dyckia. And so it goes at a plant show.
Attention ricochets around the show room like protons in a Hadron collider.

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Chartreuse leaves, burgundy thorns = love

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From the bromeliad table

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The aloe tables

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A Stonehenge of lithops

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Yes, even in the plant world there are winners and losers. Well, actually, the caretakers of the plants are the winners/losers.
Plants don’t care much about contests (except in the big, Darwinian sense).

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The signage and information at this show was incredible.

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A section of the show was devoted to engaging kids, and it was beautifully done

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Kelly Griffin’s Agave ‘Snow Glow’

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I should know this agave…(fingers drumming desk). Is it a cross of ferdinand-regis with scabra like ‘Sharkskin’?

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Cactus and succulent shows have a unique pottery vernacular

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There were a couple of these agaves for sale. ‘Blue Flame’ is one of my favorite agaves, so I lingered over this one.
It is beautiful, but I think I prefer a cleaner variegation. So nice to occasionally walk away from temptation.

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A show with succulents and pelargoniums — what’s not to love?

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Here is where I got into trouble, a display in the plant sales area of dyckias and hechtias

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First off, I always mispronounce dyckia, like “dike” when it should be “dick.” You can probably imagine an easy mnemonic device for that one.

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Second, I seriously coveted a plant that was off limits, display purposes only.

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Hechtias, Mexican terrestrial bromeliads, are new to me, foreign and intriguing.

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Bromeliad of desire, Hechtia glomerata.

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Plant people understand such infatuation all too well and are more than willing to work something out.
A pup of the display-only Hechtia glomerata was removed, tagged, and bagged for a very reasonable price.

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Last look at the one that got away, Agave ‘Streaker.’ I don’t think I’d have the strength to pass this one up again.

Posted in agaves, woody lilies, plant nurseries, Plant Portraits, pots and containers, succulents | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

cage light vase

If you happen to have a marine cage light in the garage, and some lengths of chain in your garden shed, all of which came to light after a thorough cleaning and organizing marathon today, you can take a short break from all that tedium to make this. Marty wrapped some twine around the rim of the cage and hooked the chain under the twine. Done in about 15 minutes. Some pliers to open and close links on the chain were the only tool required.

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Lots of these caged lights have colored shades, so we were in luck that this shade is clear glass.
Cleaning out the garage is always equal parts delight and exasperation with all the stuff we’ve rat-holed away over the years.
Actually using some of the forgotten stuff we’ve stored feels like vindication, a kind of triumph. Triumph of the Pack Rats.

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Eryngium pandanifolium, almost to the top of the pergola, is just behind the vase, which is filled with a single bloom of Gaillardia ‘Oranges & Lemons.’ I pulled out some annual coreopsis and tucked in a couple of this gaillardia, which like my dryish summer garden just fine and will bloom with astonishing exuberance into fall. That’s also a bromeliad hanging in the background, Aechmea recurvata ‘Aztec Gold’. This is definitely the summer of the hanging garden.

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The vase is hanging outdoors for now, from a hook on the pergola, but there’s no reason it couldn’t hang indoors too.

Posted in cut flowers, design, garden ornament | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

support your local (fill in the blank)

May I humbly make a suggestion as to filling in the blank? Your local public radio station. One of my local public radio stations, KCRW, apart from keeping me sane during commutes to different cities all over the South Bay, with news and music programming like this and this (which is what eased me through slogging traffic into Santa Monica last Thursday) proved their incalculable value to their community once again by delivering a heroic news show last Friday. In the aftermath of the most recent expression of our complicated relationship to the Second Amendment, KCRW became a refugee news show when their studio and offices on site at Santa Monica City College were shut down as police stormed the campus. KCRW hastily relocated sometime after noon and were up and streaming from who-knows-where by the time I was driving home Friday afternoon, with live reporting of eyewitness accounts. Voices were unmistakably shaky, but they held on. Bravo, KCRW.

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